Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It Begins....

So, my experiment into the world of blogging begins. Those who know me know that I am an avid gamer. Games entertain me, they challenge me and they are one of my major stress reliefs. I've recently decided to expand on my hobby a bit and share my experiences with others.

I read several web comics at least partly to get their opinions on new games that are releasing or old games I may have missed. As I draw about as well as a preschooler, and I have found that my writing is significantly further progressed than that, I decided a blog may be good outlet for my rants.
My posts are going to be part reviews, part personal impressions, part friend impressions.

I will keep playing around with appearances and logos and whatnot in the background, updating it when I feel a good amount of change has happened, so don't fear that I will change every time you visit. Keep your eyes open for new incoming posts, don't forget to subscribe on the right, and sign up for email updates as well!

Thanks for following!


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