Looks like Carbine Studios is setting up some high expectations for its players by announcing a massive content patch due out before the end of the month. This begins a trend Carbine hopes to continue, dropping in a “huge amount of gameplay” each month, according to executive producer Jeremy Gaffney. These content updates are called “drops” by the team, and will vary in size from Ultra Drops, such as this one, to Epic Drops to Regular Drops.
The update is called “The Strain”, themed around an alien infestation that will mutate existing creatures in game and add two new zones to explore. Blighthaven is a level 50 zone, starting a solo area and progressing into group content. It ends with an open-world, multi-wing dungeon, the last boss of which will evolve based on how much of the dungeon has been cleared to that point. The second zone, Northern Wastes, will be a re-skinned and updated version of the Northern Wilds tutorial zone, with tougher enemies, quests and challenges aimed at end game players.
According to Gaffney, at any given time one-thirds of the team is working updates such as this while two-thirds are working bug stomping, reactive changing and tweaking. We can expect new gear, mounts and player housing options from this drop as well, with housing a key point for a June 26th patch.
“The Strain” hits nexus on June 24th, ideally (testing may change this), and though I won’t be ready to tackle it now, I look forward to seeing more about the drop. The goal is to build in elements for all player types, solo, group, raid and PvP with these drops. July’s will contain content design for PvP, so keep your eyes open for it!
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